Mr. Rogers' Syllabus AP Computer Science I

Computer Dictionary

Comp Sci Syllabus

Mr. Rogers Class Info

Southside High

Computer Science I Vocabulary

The following terms will frequently be used in computer science class. Please familiarize yourself with them. Use the above link to the computer dictionary if needed.

  1. Algorithm

  2. Applet

  3. Application software

  4. Assembly language

  5. BIOS

  6. Binary number

  7. Bit 

  8. Browser

  9. Byte

  10. Class

  11. Compiler

  12. CPU

  13. Directory or folder

  14. DOS

  15. File

  16. Floppy drive

  17. Hard drive

  18. Hexadecimal number

  19. HTML

  20. IDE (integrated development environment)

  21. IO

  22. Low/high level computer language

  23. Machine Language

  24. Monitor

  25. Mother board

  26. Network card

  27. Object

  28. OS

  29. Parallel and Serial ports

  30. Power supply 

  31. RAM

  32. ROM

  33. Source code or program

  34. Syntax

  35. UPS or battery backup

  36. Volatile and non volatile memory.

  37. Variable

  38. Video Card