Lesson Plan Practice Test

Mr. Rogers IB Design Technology Designers And The Design Cycle Practice Test 1

1 ) Name the six steps in the IB Design Cycle
2 ) List the four parts of a design brief.
3 ) What is divergent thinking used for?
4 ) What type of thinking is used for refining a possible design solution?
  a) convergent   b) divergent   c) gantt   d) none of the answers
5 ) Why do architects often draw perspective drawings for their clients?
6 ) In what type of 3D drawing are parallel lines are parallel?
7 )
Which tools are specifically used for generating new design or invention ideas?


8 ) In an orthographic drawing, hidden lines are shown as ________.
9 )
What type of 3D drawing tends to be frequently used by architects?


10 ) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mathematical models.
11 ) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of CAD