 * The Farm class provides an exercise in the use of Java classes 
 * and object's features.
 * @author TK Rogers
 * @version 9/30/2010
public class Farm
// Note that this project is an application not an applet.
// Applications are started with a main method
    public static void main ( ) {
     // Create 3 local pumpkin objects with
    // different weights. (Note: the term local
    // means that the objects are to be created
    // inside a method, in this case the main method.)
    // Output the total weight and price
    // of all the pumpkins.
    // Output the weight and price of each
    // individual pumpkin.
    // Using a single for loop to repeatedly call the grow
    // method for each pumpkin, Have all the pumpkins 
    // grow for 5 weeks and Re-output the the weight 
    // and price of each individual pumpkin.