Mr. Rogers' AP Physics C: E&M (with IB Physics) Objectives

Syllabus 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter IB Objectives


AP Test Review

Essential Question: How can you pass the AP Exam?

Relevance: Check out the cost of a college class. Receiving college credit for AP Statistics is worth at least $1000.

Schedule 2010


The AP Test Review Process

Most of the 4th quarter will be devoted to AP test Review. While a full quarter for review may sound like a lot, keep in mind that the test will be in May, hence, we will lose about a month of possible classroom time. Also we lose a week for spring break in the 4th quarter.

Passing the AP test is a goal worthy of review time, however, review is also an excellent way to gain a deeper understanding. Unlike earlier home work and class work problems, AP test problems often merge several problem types into a single problem with multiple steps. In many cases, it's not possible to work these problems until most of the subject has been covered.

See below for more details on the review process.

What it takes to Pass the AP Test

The AP Physics C test is the toughest test offered (based on correlations between PSAT scores and AP passing rates). Not only is it a difficult test but it has a great deal of time pressure. Do not be deceived by the low scores required for passing, the test is hard to pass.

On the other hand, with commitment, passing the AP Physics test is not only doable but is a badge of honor that will be noticed by college recruiters. Whether you pass or not, you will definitely be better off for having made the effort.

AP Physics C Mechanics Scores
AP Grade 1988 % Correct 1993 % Correct 1998 % Correct 2004 % Correct
5 57-100 62-100 54-100 50-100
4 38-56 44-61 39-53 33-49
3 27-37 32-43 29-38 26-32
2 14-33 17-31 17-28 16-25
1 0-13 0-16 0-16 0-19


Free Response Question Preparation

Daily Class Work (formative assessment): You will work a minimum of 9 sets of free response problems from old tests in class on the white board at the front of the room under Mr. Rogers' guidance. All problems will be graded as you complete them. You will be asked to keep a running tally of your scores to continuously ascertain your extent of readiness. Mr. Rogers will re-teach material as deemed necessary.  Problem sets can be found online at the Physics C E&M section of the American College Board site or will be provided by Mr. Rogers.

To get the best benefit from the in-class practice you will need to re-work as homework any problems you had difficulty with. It is often better to return to the same problem multiple times and completely understand it than work problem after problem with only partial understanding.

Quizzes: Mr. Rogers will periodically give quizzes on free response problems. These will consist of a free response problem selected at random from those that have been worked. Quizzes will not be curved and will count 15 points each just like those on the AP test.



Multiple Choice Question Preparation

Weekly In-Class Tests (sumative assessment): An actual multiple choice AP test from previous a year will be given approximately once per week starting near the end of March (four tests total). These will count 100 points each toward your grade. They will be curved to approximate an AP grading system. At worst 50% correct will be a "C". In addition, each student will receive an estimate from 1 to 5 of their future grade based on each test.

Take-Home Tests (formative assessment): A minimum of 2 multiple choice AP-type take-home tests will be given. These will count 50 points each and may be curved but not as generously as the in-class tests. Your work is to be turned in on each question. You may collaborate with other students and may compare answers but only if each person has actually worked the problem and written down their work. Allowing a student to simply copy your answers is strictly forbidden and may result in a grade of zero for both of the students involved.

The Good News: The highest in-class test will be cloned to help compensate for having a bad day. Take-home tests will not be cloned.



Out-of-Class  Guided Study Sessions

Mr. Rogers will typically offer numerous after school and Saturday guided study sessions. He has free response test sets going back to 1973 as well as additional study books other than the Barron's and Princeton Review books. There is little chance of running out of materials. Anyone whose test and in class practice grades falls below those needed for passing the AP test is expected to attend.



Self Study

As mentioned on the first page, you will not reach your potential on the AP test without a lot of self study. This AP test study should start in December.  At that time you should be practicing the multiple choice practice tests in the Barron's AP review book provided by Mr. Rogers. These questions are close to those actually found on AP tests.

In March you should begin working multiple choice practice  problems in the Princeton Review book you have purchased. Mr. Rogers recommends that you read the entire section of the Princeton Review book's section on AP Physics C Mechanics some time in April.


After the AP Exam

Typically we will have a few  weeks left after the AP Test. Students will be required to attend class during this time. First we will catch up on any physics investigation we are behind on. In the event that we are totally caught up, we will work on special projects.