Mr. Rogers  - Emergency Lesson Plans 2013-2014

Period Time Room Class
1 8:45 - 9:34 134


2 9:39 - 10:28 134

AP Statistics:  Hand out Abscam study books (in back of room). There are five practice tests in the back of the book. Each test should take about one class period to complete, hence, there should be enough material for at least 3 days.

Students may work as a group but are to remain seated and reasonably quiet. Students must show their work on all problems, multiple choice or otherwise where ever reasonable to do so. All work is to be stapled together and turned in at the end of class.

Mr. King in room 136 can answer general questions if you have any. Class rules are posted on the wall at the front of the room.

Ms. Shell in room 218 is the Math Dept. Head and can answer more specific curriculum questions.

3 10:33 - 11:22 134

Honors Physics: Students should go to the 105 computer lab instead of the 134 classroom. They are to write a one page paper (single spaced, max type size = 12pt Arial) stored on their student hard drive. The subject will be:

Day 1 and 2) Which is the greatest physicist: Galileo, James Watt , or Willebrod Snell . Give a brief history of each, and describe the contributions each made to physics. Support your conclusion with factual information. (Estimated time = 2 class periods) minimum word count = 500, Include at least 4 references (title and URL)

Day 3) There are 3 common ways to capture solar energy: passive solar heating, active solar heating, and photovoltaic panels. Describe each one and list the possible applications as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Mr. King in room 136 can answer general questions if you have any. Class rules are posted on the wall at the front of the room.

Mr. Corbett in room 200 is the Science Dept. head and can answer more specific curriculum questions.

4 11:27 - 1:01



Duties: on 1st Lunch: stand outside the guidance office next to the glass door leading to the parking lot and hand out buss passes to students returning from career centers.

5 1:06 - 1:56 134

AP Physics E&M: Hand out the Barron's AP Physics books in the back of the room. There is a diagnostic test in the front of the book and two other practice tests in the back. These should take at one class period each to complete and should be good for at least 3 days of lessons.

Students may do work as a group but are to remain seated and reasonably quiet. Students must show their work on all problems, multiple choice or otherwise where ever reasonable to do so. All work is to be stapled together and turned in at the end of class

Mr. King in room 136 can answer general questions if you have any. Class rules are posted on the wall at the front of the room.

Mr. Corbett in room 200 is the Science Dept. head and can answer more specific curriculum questions.

6 2:01 - 2:50 105

AP Computer Science: All students have assignments and a personal software projects to work on. They can consult briefly with each other but should remain seated and reasonably quiet. These assignment are listed on Mr. Rogers web site. Students should be allowed to work ahead if they are caught up. There is more than 3 days of work on-line for students.

Mr. Harrison in Room 104 can answer general questions concerning the computer lab. Class rules are posted on the wall at the front of the room.

Mr. Corbett in room 200 is the Science Dept. head and can answer more specific curriculum questions.

No food is allowed. Only water bottles are permitted and these must be stored in a backpack or on the floor. Water bottles should no be placed on the computer desks.

7 2:55 - 3:45 134

AP Physics Mechanics: Hand out the Barron's AP Physics books in the back of the room. There is a diagnostic test in the front of the book and two other practice tests in the back. These should take at one class period each to complete and should be good for at least 3 days of lessons.

Students may do work as a group but are to remain seated and reasonably quiet. Students must show their work on all problems, multiple choice or otherwise where ever reasonable to do so. All work is to be stapled together and turned in at the end of class.

Mr. King in room 136 can answer general questions if you have any. Class rules are posted on the wall at the front of the room.

Mr. Corbett in room 200 is the Science Dept. head and can answer more specific curriculum questions.

Tardy Policy
  • Stand in the hall near the door during class change
  • When the bell rings, close the door and admit no other students unless they have a pass. (Students in the hall are rounded up by the administration.)

Hall passes:

  • No more than one student is to be out of the room at a time.
  • Passes for locker visits and phone calls are NOT allowed
  • No student is allowed to leave without a hall pass these are written in the student agendas. No agenda, no pass--period.
  • Hall passes are not granted in the first or last 10 minutes of class.
  • Crisis procedures (fire, tornado, intruder, etc.), first aid supplies, and shelter in place materials are in the red "Be Ready pouch at the front of the room.

Computer Policy: Students may use them as needed but:

  • No games (unless the student is engaged in programming one)
  • No videos (unless they are clearly associated with an assignment)

Food and Drink:

Syllabi: All syllabi for Mr Rogers classes are on line. Google mr rogers <name of subject>, the syllabus will come up as the top link in the list. Any student can assist if needed.

Crisis Procedures (fire, tornado, intruder, etc.):

Available emergency equipment and procedures: are in the red pouch at the front of the room by the flag. Medical incident procedures are posted nearby.

Student Assistants: each class has at least two students assigned to help substitute teachers in the event of a fire drill or emergency. These individuals will be highlighted on seating charts.

Fire Drills: Students are trained to line up in alphabetical order at the designated location (see red pouch or student assistant). The substitute teacher will have to confirm that all are present. Class rosters are in the red pouch. The student assistants will help.

Bodily Fluids (blood, vomit, etc): call the receptionist (8701) and have a maintenance worker clean up. Do not do this yourself.

Emergency Numbers: (note on a cell phone add the 355 prefix to all numbers)

Receptionist (Caroline Mills): 8701 -- call her for any emergency. She has a radio and will get the appropriate help.

School Nurse: 8707

Assistant Principals ( all have radios):

Will Jones  8761
Earl Gilstrap 8711
Regene Ransome,  8713
Justin Ludley 8712