 * Creates a control panel to use in the south section of a boarder layout.
 * @author T. K. Rogers
 * @version 1-23-04
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
public class SouthControlPanel  extends JPanel
                                implements ActionListener {
    // Creates empty panels used for spacing.
    // Note: panels can only be used once
       private JPanel emptyPanel1 = new JPanel ( new GridLayout ( 1, 1 ) ) ,
                              emptyPanel3 = new JPanel ( new GridLayout ( 1, 1 ) ) ,
                              emptyPanel4 = new JPanel ( new GridLayout ( 1, 1 ) ) ;
       private NewGuiGraphicsDemo demo = new NewGuiGraphicsDemo ( ) ;                   
       private JButton startButton ,
                               stopButton ,
                               resetButton ;
    public SouthControlPanel ( ) {
        setLayout(new GridLayout ( 1, 4 ) ) ;
        // Sets up buttons
        startButton = new JButton ( "start" ) ;
        startButton.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder (  ) ) ;
                                            //  ^ Improves button appearance ^
        startButton.addActionListener ( this ) ;
        stopButton = new JButton ( "stop" ) ;
        stopButton.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder (  ) ) ;
        resetButton = new JButton ("reset");
        resetButton.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder (  ) ) ;
        // Gives the panel a border with a title.
        setBorder (new TitledBorder (new EtchedBorder ( ) , "South Control Panel" ) ) ;
        add ( startButton ) ;
        add (stopButton) ; //Empty panels are needed for spacing
        add (resetButton) ;
        add emptyPanel3) ;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        Object source = e.getSource();
        if (source == startButton) {
        if (source == stopButton) {
        if(source == resetButton)
