Southside High School Course Syllabus
Mr. Rogers' Syllabus - Information Common to All Classes

Click on the links below for 2010-11 individual class information and syllabi. This page is at


Dear Parent or Guardian,
Please familiarize yourself with both the Mr. Rogers' Syllabus -Information Common to all Classes  (shown on this page) and the syllabus for the specific class your son or daughter is taking. If you are viewing this page on the internet click the link in the schedule at right. You can easily find any of Mr. Rogers classroom information by googling:  mr rogers <name of subject>. The desired link will generally come up as the first one listed.
I'm looking forward to working with your son or daughter. Please check the link below about succeeding in an AP class if it applies. Your help can make a big difference.
If you have any questions I can be reached as follows:
School Phones: Physics Lab 355-8737, Computer Lab 355-5989
You can follow my teacher posts at

Required: Send me an e-mail with the name of your son or daughter and the subject he or she is taking as the e-mail's subject to confirm that you have read this syllabus. I will use this to communicate with you.

Extra Credit Opportunity--Science Fair

How to Succeed on AP Tests

Mr. Rogers Schedule of Classes

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
AP Stats 

IB Design Tech


AP/IB Physics C Mechanics  AP/IB Physics C E&M 

Need help? I'm available 3rd  lunch.

AP Comp Sci

IB Comp Sci

Plan Plan
Rm 134 Rm 134 & 105 Rm 134 Rm 134 Rm 105 Rm 134 Rm 134 

How to Get Help: Mr. Rogers is available in Rm 134 during 3rd lunch. He is also normally available in  Rm 105 or 134  after school Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. AP Computer Science tutors are available. Their schedule will be posted.

Substitute Information --Emergency lesson Plans

Failure is not an option.
- Gene Kranz, Mission Director Apollo 13

MATERIALS AND TEXT: you will need a set of dry erase markers, 3x5 cards, and a USB thumb drive for all of Mr. Rogers classes. Textbooks and other materials are listed on the individual course pages.
METHOD OF CALCULATING GRADES: Points are awarded for each graded item. A student's points for all items are summed and divided by the total number of possible points, then multiplied by 100 to get a percentage grade. Extra credit is added to student points but not total points possible. Grade scale is shown at right.

ZERO'S: Grades of zero have a disproportionate effect. Hence, missing lab reports will be given 40% of the possible points. This policy will generally not be in effect on tests or major assignments.


Letter Grade Percent
A 93 - 100
B 85 - 92
C 77 - 84

70 - 76


TESTS - 65 to 75% of grade (100 pts each): AP courses require students to sit for an AP exam. To help prepare students, tests will be emphasized. Each will be written as close to AP level as possible. Tests are the key element and typically count 65 to 75% of the grade. The 4th quarter will be devoted entirely to AP test review and will consist of several AP practice tests. Your 4th quarter grade will reflect your performance on the AP test.

1st SEMESTER EXAM: in AP courses, the 1st semester exam will be as close to a full AP test as possible. Students can generally enhance their performance by taking practice tests from AP study books ahead of time.

MAJOR PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS (100 to 300 pts each): The IB Design Technology, AP Computer Science AB both have major assignments with grades comparable to one or more tests. These projects start in the 1st quarter and end in the 3rd. AP Physics C Mechanics has a group IV project that is required for IB credit. See the individual syllabi of these courses for assessment information.

LAB AND ENRICHMENT ASSIGNMENTS(20 to 50 pts each): The second most important element in grades will be lab and enrichment assignments. This will normally be about 20 to 25% of the grade.

QUIZZES (0 to 10 pts): Quizzes will be given on a regular basis and focus on any previously covered objects. Students are responsible to know the previous day's objectives when they come to class.

How to Compensate for a Bad Test

Everyone has an occasional bad day and there are ways to compensate for a bad test.


  • 1st Quarter: Each student will be granted one retest to compensate for a bad day, not to raise B's to A's. Retest grades will be lowered by 5%. The student will receive the higher of the retest and original test grades. To take a retest the student must first set up a study session with Mr. Rogers and convince him that the material must be mastered. The test must be taken within 5 days after the original test is returned.
  • 2nd quarter: a student's lowest grade will be automatically replaced by the semester exam if it helps.
  • 3rd Quarter: students will have the opportunity to earn extra credit by entering a project in the regional science fair. The project must be related to the subject. The credit is generally less than or equal to an additional 10 pts on the lowest test grade.
  • 4th quarter: in AP classes, the highest test grade will be counted twice.

HOMEWORK (5 pts each unit): Students will have homework on a regular basis. At the end of each test, homework is to be stapled to the test and turned in for a grade of 5 points. Homework not stapled to the test will not be graded. No exceptions will be made. Homework is primarily for practice and will not be a major part of grades. Computer science students will also be responsible for about 6 programs per quarter.

CLASS PREPARATION/PARTICIPATION (- 2 to 3 pts per day): Each student starts the quarter with 20 pts of participation credit. A student who sleeps in class or is playing an unauthorized card, computer, or calculator games will be given one warning. Those who continue receive a 2 point deduction for the day. Participation score can be negative. By contrast a student can earn up to 2 pts per day of extra credit for outstanding participation or for special forms of participation as defined by the teacher. Students who are not on task will receive deductions. Students are responsible to know the previous day's objectives when they come to class. Being prepared for and participating in class is essential. The maximum participation score is 25 pts for a given quarter.

EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit will normally not be available except for a subject related science fair project due at the beginning of the 3rd quarter.

CLASS OBJECTIVES: Teaching, tests, and assignments all focus on daily objectives. You can help by making sure your son or daughter reviews them. If they can't answer them, they need to study or bring questions to class.  Follow the links in Mr. Rogers Schedule of Classes shown above to view the objectives. Objectives may change before they're officially assigned. Each student is expected to know the material in all previously covered objectives.

ATTENDANCE AND TARDY POLICIES: We will follow all the attendance and tardy policies outlined in the student handbook, meaning that you can lose credit for the class due to unexcused absences. Attendance is critical to learning the subject. The classroom door will be shut and locked when the tardy bell rings. If you are in the hall afterwards, you will be sent to ISS for the period.

WHAT TO DO IF YOU MISS A CLASS: Quizzes cannot be made up but will not count against a student with an excused absence. If you have an excused absence, you will be able to make up all other work. Provision for make-up work is the student's responsibility and must be done outside of class within five (5) consecutive school days after the student returns to school. Make up work and tests for unexcused absences will not be accepted.





  1. If Mr. Rogers, a guest speaker, or a substitute is addressing the class or a test is in progress, students should be silent. Otherwise, students may discuss class related information in low level voices. The noise level should never rise to the point that it is hard to hear.
  2. Remain seated except with teacher permission. 
  3. Come to class prepared and use your class time for learning the subject. 
  4. All equipment in the classroom is off limits except with teacher permission.
  5. Commit yourself to passing the AP Exam.
  6. Be respectful to others at all times, especially to guests and visitors.
Emergency Passes: No one will be allowed to leave class during the class period without a pass written in the student agenda. No agenda means no passes. Students will be granted only two of these per quarter.
Minor Infractions- Individual
1st Verbal Reprimand
2nd Lunch Detention
3rd After School Detention
4th Referral
Major Infractions - Individual
Infractions- Group
Group activities will occasionally be performed outside of the classroom and will be cancelled if behavior gets out of line.
Mr. Rogers classroom is frequently visited by parents, prospective IB students, guest speakers, and sometimes even TV crews, photographers and reporters. These individuals are to be treated with the utmost courtesy and respect. Any problems during these time will be considered especially egregious.

If you do not send an e-mail as described above then please sign and return a copy of this page by the end of the second week of school

I have visited the appropriate web page or received a printed copy. If I have an e-mail address I have sent Mr. Rogers an e-mail with my son or daughters name as the subject.

Parent Signature


Date _____________

I have visited the appropriate web page or received a printed copy for the course I signed up to take from Mr. Rogers. I am committed to making every possible effort to pass the AP test associated with the subject.

Student Signature


Date _____________


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Mr. Rogers Teacher's Blog

Southside High School Physics Club

Mr. Rogers T-shirts

Mr. Rogers Information for Teachers

Check out other web sites created by Mr. R:

Want to learn more about movie physics in Star Trek and find out :
  • what makes Star Trek unique
  • how Star Trek compares to Star Wars
  • why the star ship Enterprise needs to remain in space
  • what should and shouldn't be done in space battles
  • what it takes to blast off and travel the galaxy
  • the basics of orbiting
Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics is one of the most humorous, entertaining, and readable physics books available, yet is filled with all kinds of useful content and clear explanations for high school, 1st semester college physics students, and film buffs.

It explains all 3 of Newton's laws, the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, momentum, energy, gravity, circular motion and a host of other topics all through the lens of Hollywood movies using Star Trek and numerous other films.

If you want to learn how to think physics and have a lot of fun in the process, this is the book for you!


First the web site,

now the book!

Mr. Rogers Home | Common Sylabus | AP Comp Sci I | AP Comp Sci II | AP Physics Mech | AP Physics E&M | AP Statistics | IB Design Tech | Southside

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