Mr. Rogers' IB Computer Science - Second Quarter Objectives

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Latin/Greek Root Words

arch--------->ancient, example: archtype;         chrono------>time, example: chronology;             -dom----------->quantity/state, example: freedom               fer-------->carry, example: transfer;               gen--------->birth, example: generate;                 luc-------->light, example lucid;                 neo--------->new, example: neonatologist;                olig--------->few, example: oligarchy;              omni--------->all, omniscient;            sym--------->together, symbol;

(Comp Sci connection)


Essential Question: What are the key forms of temporary structure and why are they needed?

Chapter 21: Stacks and Queues

(IV Standard Data Structures, V Standard Algoritms)

1.      Implement Stacks.

2.      Be aware that the pop and peek methods will throw an exception if a stack is empty.

3.      Describe how hardware stacks work in computers.

4.      Implement Queues.

Homefun: Read Chapter 21; Exercises 1, 2, 3, 5, 11

Programming Assignments: Lab 21.3, Case Study and Lab 21.6

Test: Chap 21


Essential Question: Is recursion really needed?

Chapter 22: Recursion Revisited

(II Program Implementation)

  1. List the 2 situations where recursion is especially useful. nested structures or branching processes.
  2. List the 3 technical considerations for not using recursion (p. 556).
  3. Be able to debug recursion using mathematical induction (p.560).


Homefun: Read Chapter 22; Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 9

Programming Assignments: Lab 22.5 The Tower of Hanoi

Test: Chap 22


Essential Question: How can data be stored in a manner that insures that it remains in order?

Chapter 23: Binary Trees

(IV Standard Data Structures, V Standard Algorithms)

  1. Define the following binary tree related terms

·         node

·         parent--has children

·         children

·         root--first node, generally shown at the top

·         leaf

·         level (starts with 0 at the root)

·         binary tree--let child, right child

  1. Name a general advantage of tree structures. a large number of elements can be arranged in a shallow tree
  2. Correctly implement and use binary trees.
  3. Correctly use traversals on binary trees (p.583). Note: these are generally recursive.

·         preorder--root visited before the right and left subtrees

·         post order--root visited after the right and left subtrees

·         inorder--root visite between the right and left subtrees

  1. List the key advantages of binary search trees.

·         can easily insert new data (like linked lists)

·         elements are always sorted (facilities rapid searching)

  1. Be aware that an inorder traversal visits the nodes of a binary search tree in ascending order of values. In other words, it performs the equivalent of a binary search!
  2. Correctly implement binary search trees.

·         traversals

·         insertions

·         deletions

Homefun: Read Chapter 18; Exercises 1, 2, 3, 15

Programming Assignments: Lab 23.6 Morse Code, Case Study and Lab 23.7 Java Messenger

Test: Chap 18 Objectives 1-5


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